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    Chapter 100: Choice

    Wen Ying had never felt as thrilled and relieved as he did when snatching limited edition merchandise. He gazed at the wary Beros, recalling their first encounter a few months ago. Back then, their positions were reversed, with the demon looking at him as if he was an insignificant ant on the roadside.

    Covering his chest, Wen Ying realized that this feeling was making his heart race.

    Beros noticed Wen Ying's glowing eyes and flushed cheeks, which seemed abnormal. Something was definitely off, so he glanced out the window to ensure it was unlocked.

    It wasn't Wen Ying that he feared, but Aluda. They weren't in the Human Realm, so Wen Ying couldn't do… that thing to him anymore. However, Aluda was unpredictable and didn't care about right or wrong, especially when it came to Wen Ying.

    Perhaps Aluda had already whispered something to Wen Ying privately, like some sort of tactic used on him. During these past few months of living together, Wen Ying's personality had clearly changed.

    "Beros, what did you call me up here for?" The demon wished to finish this quickly and return to his cultivation. Power was the foundation; if he was strong enough, he wouldn't need to consider Aluda's presence. Right now, he could pounce on Wen Ying and beat him mercilessly without any reservations.

    Suddenly, Beros missed the Wen Ying who cried after being defeated by him in Feng Luo's class.

    Wen Ying raised both hands to slap his own cheeks, extinguishing the strange excitement. He cleared his throat and said, "I'm sure you know why I lured you here. I brought you upstairs because I had a sudden pang of conscience. But I didn't expect those guys downstairs, especially Wu Shaluo, to be so cowardly today. They missed my rare moment of kindness."

    Beros's first thought was, "Does Wen Ying even have a conscience?" It was as if disbelief was written all over his face.

    Wen Ying rubbed his hands together and retrieved a syringe from his spatial bracelet. "I've truly found my conscience. Do you want Aruda to draw your blood or should I do it?"

    Boros: "…"

    Fixing his gaze on the large syringe in Wen Ying's hand, after a moment, his eyes shifted to Wen Ying's face. Boros was speechless, gritting his teeth in frustration as he forced out a strangled voice, "Is this your newfound conscience?"

    Wen Ying tilted his head and mumbled to himself, "Did I guess wrong? Isn't it terrifying when Aruda handles materials?"

    Boros's brow twitched. He noticed the dolls on the wooden cabinet beside him. They looked familiar – Wen Ying had obtained them from the Human Realm over the weekend. A hostile smile crept across his face as he strode over with his long legs, reaching out to touch them.

    Boros grabbed one of the dolls and tossed it.

    Wen Ying: "?!?" He hurriedly stretched out both hands to gently catch the doll thrown at him, being careful not to apply too much force for fear of deforming it.

    Placing the doll on the bed beside him, Wen Ying wanted to say something but another doll came flying towards him.


    Wen Ying quickly caught it, looking at Boros's hand with a mix of fear and caution. Fortunately, Boros retracted his hand, crossing his arms as he stared at him with a cold and disdainful expression.

    "I suspect you didn't witness her truly terrifying side," Beros commented. "Or perhaps she deliberately avoided you."

    Wen Ying recalled the last time Muershi had visited. Aruda did seem to have intentionally stayed away. He asked sincerely, "Is there anything more horrifying than being boiled in a pot for days?"

    It was excruciatingly painful. If not for his demonic constitution, he would have been skinned and cooked by now. This incident was his greatest psychological trauma. Aruda probably knew that telling him beforehand would only increase his fear, so she went straight for the full treatment.

    Beros paused, as if something had crossed his mind, and his expression darkened. "Do you think Lan Jiaying would be this terrified if he were boiled in a pot for a day or two?"

    Demons were inherently wild at heart. Just as Aruda had told him, their nature was bloodthirsty and cruel. Justice in the Demon Realm often entailed violence and killing to stop violence and killing. What might be shocking in the Human Realm could be considered normal in the Demon Realm's perspective.

    Ordinary terrors held no sway over demons with formidable bloodlines.

    Wen Ying inwardly criticized: How close could his great-grandfather have been with Aruda to trust him so recklessly with a newly born demon who had grown up in the human world, without worrying about any potential psychological distortion or perversion?

    Wait, Wen Ying recalled what Muershi had told him about Aruda's past. Calculating the timeline, after Aruda's sudden power surge, his great-grandfather should have gone to the Human Realm, thus he might not be aware of what Aruda had done in the Demon Realm later...

    A strange expression crossed Wen Ying's face.

    At that moment, Wen Dingjue, who was truly unaware of Aruda's current situation in the Human Realm, sneezed.

    Lost in thought, Wen Ying pulled himself back and held the syringe in his hand, saying, "You haven't told me who you want to draw blood from. The demons downstairs chose Aluda directly. Who do you choose?"

    Boros's brow twitched as he extended his arm, not speaking but already giving his answer.

    Wen Ying walked over with the syringe, smiling. Just as he was about to prick the skin to draw blood, he suddenly realized he didn't know how.

    The nurses at the hospital were quick and efficient. As Wen Ying looked at Boros's rolled-up sleeve, several veins lurking beneath the skin were vaguely visible. It seemed possible to extract blood, but with the syringe in hand, Wen Ying hesitated, unsure of how to proceed with the puncture.


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    1. Miss No one
      Apr 27, '24 at 00:36

      Hello, um… where’d chapter 111-115 , cause when I turn to the next page it’s already in chapter 116 and it’s just chapter 100 now…

      1. random .random
        @Miss No oneJun 21, '24 at 13:48

        I don’t know why it works, but try looking up “Becoming a Demon After Getting Addicted to Card Drawing ch 101” and the first thing that came up for me was that chapter by asianovel.net🤷‍♀️👌,
        But it doesn’t work for all of them checked 101-106 and 101 and 105 worked, 102-4 don’t show up and 106 opens as a 404 error

    2. May Amaranthium
      Oct 27, '24 at 05:08

      I finally found a site with the missing chapters! Although you have to mtl since it is in Chinese, are we able to post links here? I will not post if it’s not allowed.

      1. VirtualFae9346
        @May AmaranthiumJan 25, '25 at 16:51

        Why did you never post it …

    3. VirtualFae9346
      Jan 25, '25 at 17:06

      Guys I found the hidden chapters .
      Chapter 101- https://www.asianovel.net/chapter/chapter-50000122/

      Chapter 102- https://www.asianovel.net/chapter/chapter-50000123/

      Chapter 103- https://www.asianovel.net/chapter/chapter-50000124/

      Chapter 104- https://www.asianovel.net/chapter/chapter-50000125/

      I got lazy but you get the gist change the last digit . Don’t change anything else or you will get an error . So for example chapter -50000123 change the three to four !! If something goes wrong I’ll find another solution and put it on here.
