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    Chapter 143: Encounter

    The human Lan Jiaying had possessed? Wen Ying hesitated for a few seconds before following.

    With his mind divided, Wen Ying fought Wang Run alongside Beros while trailing the human that Lan Jiaying had possessed.

    As he drew closer, he caught a whiff of blood on the man, and even the stench couldn't mask the fact that Lan Jiaying's condition was dire.

    It was unclear whether the person was currently under Lan Jiaying's control or their own. Reaching the end of the road, they turned a corner and encountered two exorcists. The possessed human immediately slammed on the brakes and turned to run down another alleyway.

    Wen Ying found himself staring straight into the eyes of the possessed man.

    Lan Jiaying only saw a humanoid figure wrapped in magic, with the mist-like power swirling around them also blocking off their aura. Unable to recognize who it was, Lan Jiaying launched an attack, raising their hand to ignite a green flame in their palm.

    Wen Ying dodged and seized the wrist of the possessed individual, twisting it and pulling them closer. He whispered into Lan Jiaying's ear, "It's me, your dearest classmate."

    Lan Jiaying's eyelids flickered, and they fiercely clutched onto Wen Ying's left hand, yanking it away before throwing him out.

    Wen Ying somersaulted a few meters in mid-air. This brief delay allowed the two exorcists to catch up. Eager, they didn't bother with any tedious introductions but went straight for the capture. One controlled a flying knife-like weapon to soar towards them, while the other charged forward with a weapon in hand.

    Lan Jiaying had just thrown Wen Ying away, but now he swiftly moved to his side with a mocking tone, "My dearest classmate, dealing with these two exorcists should be simple, right?"

    Despite his disheveled appearance, Lan Jiaying's sarcastic words still flowed with elegance, as if he were not on a battlefield but in a luxurious hotel lobby.

    Wen Ying didn't kill them; he only knocked them out. Today, possessing Yang Rixi's body, he hadn't engaged in any combat yet, so his magic power was still abundant.

    These two exorcists had been previously defeated by Lan Jiaying and were not at full strength. It didn't take much effort for Wen Ying to knock them out.

    After knocking out the exorcists, Wen Ying turned around. Lan Jiaying leaned against the wall, panting heavily before slowly sitting down with his head raised and eyes closed.

    Wen Ying strolled over, studying his opponent, and clicked his tongue a few times, "How does it feel to be chased by a bunch of bugs?" To their demonic selves, those exorcists were indeed insignificant insects.

    Lan Jiaying was incredibly proud and arrogant, so being hunted by what he considered mere bugs for so long must have twisted his psyche. Wen Ying deliberately observed his expression, looking past the facade of the elegant nobleman and revealing the dark, enraged demon beneath.

    As Wen Ying observed, he noticed that Lan Jiaying's synchronization with this human body was extremely high. He asked in surprise, "How long have you possessed this human?"

    The aura emanating from this person's body had almost entirely transformed into Lan Jiaying's.

    Lan Jiaying's voice was filled with suppressed rage, low and chilling, "A long time. After making a contract with this human, I've been using this body all along."

    Wen Ying's confusion instantly dissipated. No wonder they sensed that Lan Jiaying possessed much more magical power in this body than they did. Curiously, he asked, "Is it possible that you spend all your time practicing besides eating and sleeping?"

    The fury emanating from Lan Jiaying intensified, like a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest spark. Covered in blood, he appeared even more terrifying, his features contorted into something resembling a demonic entity.

    "Besides eating and sleeping, there's also studying," Lan Jiaying clenched his fists, his nails digging into his flesh. "This human's wish was to excel in his studies, to make his parents proud."

    "After the contract, he immediately handed over his body to me."


    Wen Ying stifled his laughter mid-chuckle. There was no need for him to cover his lips, as the magic enveloped Yang Rixi's entire body. To outsiders, he now resembled a black humanoid figure, his face as dark as a mask, devoid of any features.


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