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    Chapter 154 - Taking the Stage

    Wen Ying listened calmly to their accusations, her brow raising slightly. "I've dealt with many extremists before, and just by looking at you, I can tell you're one of them."

    The four demons: "? ? ?" Us? How so?

    A curious demon from the crowd asked, "How do you make that judgment?"

    She spoke for all the demons present, who were listening attentively, afraid they might miss Wen Ying's response.

    Wen Ying answered confidently, "By intuition."

    All the demons: "......."

    "I've already called the Enforcement Squad of the Capital's Judgment Bureau," Wen Ying told the four protesting demons, "They'll be here soon, and they will be the ones to decide for sure."

    In the academy's arena, almost all the demon students in the school had gathered. The stands were overflowing with demons, creating a chaotic scene. In the center of the arena, Yan Kuo, a giant troll, impatiently stepped off the stage to check his phone for the time. After checking, he returned to the stage, only to go down again later to check once more. This repeated several times.

    Finally, he grew frustrated and asked the referee with a frown and a gruff voice, "If he doesn't come, isn't that considered stalling?"

    The referee sat at a small table off to the side of the stage, still that same old demon who had gifted Wen Ying the enchanted weapon before. Amidst the commotion, he calmly read his book as if he were sitting beneath a large tree in a park.

    Upon hearing Yan Kuo's words, the old demon didn't even raise an eyebrow. "Young demon, don't be hasty. He might be waiting for you to become anxious and reveal your weaknesses."

    Yan Kuo: "..." The advice sounded reasonable but also seemed like nonsense.

    The more he waited, the more agitated he became. Finally, a demon shouted, "Wen Ying is here!"

    The demons near the entrance echoed the announcement, and everyone turned to look. Amongst the crowd of demons, there was one with silver-white hair that stood out significantly - thin in build, small in stature for a male, and lacking an aggressive aura, he exuded a gentle demeanor.

    Though he looked gentle, the fact that he could calmly walk forward amidst the gazes of so many outstanding young demons suggested that he was not as weak as he appeared on the surface.

    The way demons perceived each other was different from how humans did. Their eyes carried various emotions accompanied by demonic energy, almost as if they had a tangible presence. The sense of pressure and weight they exerted was immense.

    When Wen Ying reached the edge of the arena, Muershi waved at him and asked cheerfully, "Why are you so late?"

    "Definitely trying to buy time," Yan Kuo, the muscular giant demon on the stage, looked down at Wen Ying with certainty.

    He was not overconfident. After spending a semester together, he knew he might not be able to defeat this Mirror Demon, but he was certain that this Mirror Demon would not be able to hold onto first place. Even if he lost, he would make sure to drain the other demon's magic power to the brink of exhaustion.

    It would be even better if he could win.

    Looking up, Wen Ying saw the towering troll demon with an unhappy downturn of his lips. So what if native demons were built more impressively?

    "I was at the academy gate at nine thirty," Wen Ying said casually. "I caught four Extremists outside and had to wait for the Enforcers to arrive."

    Wen Ying mentioned the word "Extremist" with a mundane tone, as if he was talking about a common occurrence like traffic jams causing a delay. Yan Kuo's lips twitched. "Are you serious?" Although the Extremists had a notorious reputation in the Demon Realm, and their influence spread far and wide, they weren't exactly a common sight in everyday life. Many demons had never even seen one before.

    It was similar to how everyone in the human world knew about pyramid schemes, but not many had actually encountered such individuals.

    "There were plenty of demons gathered at the academy gate. I wouldn't risk telling an easily-discovered lie," Wen Ying flew up to the stage. "Speaking of which, I feel like I've been having a lot of run-ins with Extremists lately."

    Lan Jiaying, seated in the front row of the audience, concealed his clenched fists behind his back, struggling to maintain the elegant facade he wore. He stared at Wen Ying, his black eyes filled with restraint, his cheeks slightly flushed. Frustrated, angry, and depressed, he wanted to rush up and scold and beat Wen Ying.

    He wasn't inferior in skills to any demon, yet why did Wen Ying always seem to effortlessly push him down?

    Because of Wen Ying, he had lost so much hair!

    Koroy chuckled. "Looks like fate has brought you into contact with the Extremists."

    Wen Ying spoke earnestly, "Later, use the crystal ball to check if I'm incompatible with the Radical Party in terms of astrology."

    "I don't know about human astrology," Koroy shook his head, "I can only read destiny's trajectory."

    "That works too."

    Yan Kuo's face darkened, "Seems like you don't take me seriously at all. You're just overconfident because you won against His Highness and his team without using your full strength."

    Wen Ying replied, "It hasn't started yet, what am I supposed to be wary of? Can you ambush me?"

    With a dark expression, Yan Kuo asked the referee, the old demon, word by word, "Can we start now?"

    The old demon nodded, "Let's begin."

    The moment the old demon finished his last word, Yan Kuo's demonic aura surged. The demon dashed swiftly towards Wen Ying, swinging a massive fist shrouded in black mist towards his face.

    The trolls were indeed known for their huge fists; the clenched fist was almost the size of Wen Ying's entire face.

    Breaking through the air, Wen Ying nimbly dodged the first blow. Yan Kuo immediately followed up with the second and third... His punches were so swift that they left afterimages, each one vicious and brutal.


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