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    Chapter 247 - Transfer

    Upon hearing the angel's words, Wen Ying didn't know how to describe the jumbled mix of confusion, shock, and exasperation that surged through him. He was momentarily at a loss for words, speechless with astonishment.

    It was truly absurd. An esteemed angel had been trapped by a door they had created themselves!

    Wen Ying stared at the angel with his silver eyes. The angel seemed a bit embarrassed, silently turning their face away. The room fell into an unusual silence.

    After much deliberation, Wen Ying finally managed to utter a fitting remark, "…You're quite down-to-earth." His image of angels had been utterly shattered!

    The angel awkwardly smiled.

    "You mentioned that if it can be opened from the outside, it can also be opened from the inside. Does that mean this door can only be opened twice?"

    With a new topic at hand, the angel nonchalantly turned their face back and said, "Yes, in my plan, the successor would come in once, take the fragment of law, and leave. Then, I and Wen Jing could enter the cycle of reincarnation. I don't want anyone else to touch our remains. After the door opens and closes twice, this space will be completely sealed."

    The angel, wanting to salvage their image, couldn't resist explaining, "I didn't expect Wu Mixiu to do such a thing." They had never imagined it. They thought that after forcing the devil back to the Demon Realm, there wouldn't be any more major incidents. Yet, they were proven wrong the very next year.

    For thousands of years, they had observed Wu Mixiu's various actions alone in this room, wishing they could slap their past self for thinking that limiting the door to two openings was a great idea when constructing it.

    The irony of the situation was palpable – he could only watch and not communicate with the outside world, unable to intervene. The angel felt that he had, in some sense, experienced the helplessness his colleagues must have felt when they could only observe from above.

    Wu Mixiu must have foreseen the possibility of his existence beyond the human realm, leaving behind a means for him to communicate with the Church exorcists. Why hadn't he thought of such precautions when planning his own affairs? At least he could have left a magical communication stone to connect with the outside world.

    Wen Ying said tactfully, "Indeed, no one could have predicted this."

    Feeling his dignity restored, the angel's aura returned to its previous demeanor.

    "The year the demons retreated to the demon realm, the leader of the witch and fairy clan left a prophecy, stating that the demons would eventually return to the human world."

    Wen Ying's eyelids flickered.

    The angel's voice was heavy with gravity, "If the demons return to the human world, it implies that the world still needs angels. But I wish to reincarnate with Wen Ling, and if I turn back into a star, existing outside the human world, I would be reborn as a human with an empty memory. Even if I were lucky enough to encounter Wen Ling's reincarnation, we might pass by each other without recognition. Once I return to heaven, regaining all my memories would be excruciating."

    "I can ensure our souls are marked if I enter the cycle of reincarnation. Though without memories, we would be drawn to each other upon meeting."

    Internally, Wen Ying thought, The angel is surprisingly down-to-earth.

    "After much contemplation, I realized that there might be descendants of mine who would return to the human world alongside the demons."

    Wen Ying, engrossed in his musings, responded with confusion, "??!"

    "The main reason I constructed this underground palace was to pass on the fragments of law within me to my descendants. With the power of these fragments, your actions will gain the recognition and assistance of the laws."

    Wen Ying sensed something vaguely. This angel suddenly gave him a similar feeling to that of the devil. He cautiously sought clarification, "When you say successor, do you mean it's not about bloodline but inheriting your status as an angel?"

    The angel nodded slightly, looking a bit embarrassed, "When the demons return to the human realm, the laws require a complete number of angels to act as saviors. Without the power of my fragment, the human world might fall under the domination and enslavement of the demons."

    Wen Ying felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His intuition had been right; this angel was just as tricky as the devil!

    He tried to tactfully decline, "Why didn't you directly find a pure human thousands of years ago to pass on the law fragments?"

    The angel shook his head, "It's not that simple. The fragments of law have a strong bond with their master. Back then, I observed many suitable candidates, but none were accepted by the fragments. Their reactions were clearly hostile."

    "Wen Ling knew of my predicament and discussed it with me before contacting the Queen of the Demon Realm's Fairy Clan," the angel looked at Wen Ying, "She helped guide me, and he said that the person I'm looking for would appear thousands of years later, as my descendant. That's why I built this underground palace and concealed it with magic. It would only become visible to the public when the barrier weakened and the demons returned to the human realm."

    Again, the Mirror Fairy. All these events the angel mentioned would surely have been recorded by that Mirror Fairy's clan leader and passed down to each successive one. Wen Ying couldn't help gritting his teeth. Perhaps the current Queen of the Demon Realm's Fairy Clan and the devil had been scheming since the moment he was born.

    It was even possible that during the years he grew up, the devil had secretly visited the human realm to watch over him.

    The angel's luminous eyes shimmered with remorse. "I'm sorry for burdening you with an angel's duty out of my own selfish desires."

    Wen Ying tactfully declined. "I already have a demon I hold dear."

    The angel pressed his lips into a small smile. "During my thousands of years here, I've studied how to alter the fragments of the law. Now that I've completed my research and dealt with them, when the successor angel inherits my soul, they won't be dragged back by the law upon death like the first generation. Instead, they'll be able to enter the cycle of reincarnation like any ordinary person."

    "Although the power of the law fragment will remain with you, as long as there is peace, this power will slumber quietly,"

    "But this can only be realized after the transfer," the angel sighed helplessly. "I, as the first generation, am unable to do so."

    Wen Ying inquired, "What if you transfer the fragment of the law to me first, and then I pass it back to you?"

    The angel was taken aback, as this scenario had never crossed his mind. After much deliberation, he replied with regret, "Your idea is commendable, but unfortunately, it's not feasible."

    Upon hearing the first half of the angel's response, Wen Ying's heart sank.

    "After transferring the law fragment to you, I can barely maintain my existence for half an hour. The process of transferring such power would require at least five hours."

    Wen Ying was reluctant to shoulder the burden and responsibility that came with this power. The weight of being responsible for the entire world filled him with anxiety.

    Wen Ying hesitated to make a run for it. He now had a choice: either the angel himself or him. If he refused, the angel would have to return to his divine duties.

    Yet, the angel's previous revelation stirred unease in Wen Ying's conscience. The disparity between the first and second generations was significant.

    The angel keenly sensed Wen Ying's intention to escape and, after a moment of intense contemplation, his eyes lit up. "With the power of a Law Fragment, you can mark the soul of the demon you love. In your next life, there will be a chance for you to be together."

    Wen Ying was taken aback, but as he pondered, his heart began to sway.

    The angel seized the opportunity, pressing his advantage. "If something threatens the peace of the human world in your next life, the Law Fragment will awaken, along with your memories from your past life!"

    Wen Ying's inner balance tilted decisively towards temptation.

    "Isn't it the most romantic thing to share your past life stories with the one you love?"

    The angel urged relentlessly, devoid of any divine aura, almost appearing shifty-eyed.

    "How likely is it that you'll encounter a war requiring the Law Fragment to awaken in every reincarnation?"

    Indeed, such misfortune seemed unlikely. The human world didn't frequently face demonic invasions.

    The angel added a crucial piece of information: "The moment I step out of here, the laws will forcibly drag me back. Wu Mixiu's plan has already taken shape. Even if you were to warn people about his scheme, it would be too late. The vessel is ready, the barrier weakened. He can forcefully descend."

    "Wu Mixiu, upon his forced descent, will require the power to move freely and evade the laws that would try to return him. The fragments of the law inherited within you will become his target, and anyone related to you by blood will also fall under his predatory gaze."


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