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    Chapter 262 - Purification

    Both parties were on high alert, waiting for the other side to make a move so they could dodge.

    After a stalemate, Shi Cailing, growing impatient, asked the three exorcists, "Why haven't you made your move yet? What are you waiting for?"

    One of them nearly rolled their eyes at Shi Cailing. This person was truly infuriating, but it was also thanks to her that they had easily deceived Wen Qinxue into coming over by reading her mind.

    "One of you go," an exorcist said, raising their hand and dashing towards Wen Qinxue with a leap.

    After waiting so long without any reaction, the person in front of them was either an ordinary person or was gambling on the fact that they wouldn't really attack.

    Wen Ying, hiding behind the wall, gripped the recording crystal tightly with a cold gaze.

    An ordinary person's field of vision and reaction speed were practically useless against a trained exorcist. They wouldn't be able to see clearly, and even if they did, their body wouldn't react in time.

    In Wen Qinxue's pupils, the figure of the black-robed exorcist rapidly approached, his outstretched palm curling into a claw, aiming for Wen Qinxue's neck.

    A hint of surprise flashed across the exorcist's eyes as he muttered to himself, "Not a demon?"

    Shi Cailing rubbed the book affectionately and asked with a smile, "Exorcists, when can I have my original daughter-in-law back after you take her to the church for purification?"

    One of them glanced at her sideways. "We're not the ones who'll be doing the purification. Each has their own specialty. We can't promise you any time frames."

    The person holding Wen Qinxue by the neck said, "If you don't use all your strength soon…" He tightened his grip, causing Wen Qinxue's eyes to roll back.

    Suddenly, a magic blade flashed out, catching the attacker off guard. His arm was deeply slashed by the ethereal blade formed from magic. In pain, he subconsciously loosened his hold on Wen Qinxue.

    A figure appeared behind Wen Qinxue and supported her. She took a deep breath, coughing and gasping for air.

    "Little Ying…" Filled with extreme anxiety and concern, Wen Qinxue feared for Wen Ying's safety, now fully exposed before the church members.

    Wen Ying held onto Wen Qinxue, his voice steady. "It's alright."

    The recording crystal had captured the evidence he needed. If not for the purpose of obtaining proof, he wouldn't have waited so long to intervene.

    Seeing blood spill across the living room, Shi Cailing let out a sharp scream, though her cries couldn't be heard outside due to the barrier set up by the three exorcists.

    The wounded exorcist retreated hastily, pressing his injured arm against his chest as he moved back to stand beside Exorcist One and Exorcist Two. At the same time, he pulled out a magical powder for stopping bleeding and sprinkled it over the wound.

    Exorcist Two glanced at the wound on Exorcist Three's arm, feeling a phantom pain in his own limb. The injury seemed to have cut deep enough to expose the bone, perhaps even leaving marks on it. That last spell had indeed been fiercely powerful.

    The intensity of the demonic energy indicated the strength of the demon. That young man, who had always claimed to be frail and sickly, was clearly much more than he appeared.

    "How is it?" Exorcist Two asked Exorcist Three.

    Sweat trickled down Exorcist Three's forehead from the excruciating pain in his arm. Through gritted teeth, he replied, "Fight, I'll assist."


    Both exorcists attacked simultaneously, one from the left, the other from the right.

    Qinxue Wen cried out, "Be careful!"

    Cards familiar to the exorcists materialized around Wen Ying, causing them both to pause. They assumed that these cards were given to Wen Ying by the Mirror Demon, suggesting some sort of familial connection.

    One of them circled around to Wen Ying's side, avoiding a soil shield created by a magic card, attempting to strike through a gap. Suddenly, his feet were ensnared, sending a chill down his spine.

    These silvery-white vines were unique to the Mirror Demon's wood-elemental summoning magic!

    This person is the Mirror Demon!

    "You are—" Twigs suddenly coiled around his mouth, swiftly wrapping his entire body.

    In just a dozen seconds, Exorcist Two had become a green cocoon. Seeing the familiar silver-white branches, the other two exorcists had a similar reaction to Robed Man Two. The blood in their veins seemed to turn icy cold, as if they had been kicked into an ice cellar, with a chill creeping up from their feet.

    "De-e-mon!" Shi Cailing stumbled to the ground, shrieking in horror. "You're also a demon! You two, hurry and exorcise him!"

    The two exorcists had no mind for her now. If this young man truly was the Mirror Demon, they were absolutely doomed today!

    They exchanged glances and suddenly dashed towards the balcony.


    Stunned, Shi Cailing realized something and suddenly grew fearful. Shaking, she tried to stand up and head for the door but her legs wouldn't support her. She started crawling instead, now moving soundlessly after her earlier scream.

    Hearing the shattering of glass from the balcony and the spine-chilling whooshing sound, she didn't dare to look back. Instead, she crawled even faster towards the entrance.

    The intense sounds lessened, but the whooshing grew closer. Shi Cailing's hair stood on end. Her ankles were snatched up by something rope-like, rough to the touch. She screamed in terror, but within seconds, her mouth was sealed shut by the branches.

    Wen Ying gently patted his ears, still buzzing from Shi Cailing's piercing soprano. The ringing in his ears was relentless.

    He believed that the most effective weapon against demons in this world was a sharp, high volume sound – it could send a formidable devil packing in mere moments.

    Having bound the three exorcists from the churches, with Shi Cailing dangling aside, Wen Ying took his time to recover from the acoustic assault.

    Noticing Wen Ying's discomfort, Wen Qinxue hurriedly examined him, asking, "Are you hurt?"

    Wen Ying paused for a moment before responding, "No, demons have acute hearing. That high-pitched noise just now left me with a bit of tinnitus."

    Wen Qinxue: "...As long as you're alright. Why are you here?"

    Scratching his cheek, Wen Ying explained, "I climbed up through the bathroom window downstairs. Something felt off, so I came to investigate. My intuition was spot on; they were up to no good."

    Still shaken, Wen Qinxue's heart pounded like a drum. Glancing at the three exorcists entangled in silver vines and then at Lin Tianbao's mother, she approached her angrily. "I thought you were merely greedy, but I never expected you to be both foolish and wicked."

    "Wh-Wh-Whaaa!" Shi Cailing's eyes widened in surprise.

    However, upon Wen Ying's approach, her bravado wilted. She averted her gaze, unable to meet the transformed Wen Ying's eyes.

    Wen Qinxue was no devil; it was her grandson who was! No, perhaps they both were! Tianbao had been deceived by them!

    Looking at the elder who was clearly related to him by blood but showed none of Arudha's kindness, Wen Ying asked calmly, "What did they tell you?"

    The twig that had been gagging Shi Cailing was withdrawn, and she shivered as she spoke, "T-Told us that you're devils and need purification."

    "So they made you bring Mom here alone," Wen Ying turned around, revealing a "cocoon" behind him. The branches dispersed, exposing the terrified face inside.

    "What do you mean by 'purification'?" With his back to Wen Qinxue, Wen Ying's icy smile was sinister.

    The person inside tried to speak, "It's... purification."

    "Won't the Church's purification of devils be killing them?" Wen Ying's lips curved up slightly, "No worries, take your time. There's plenty of hours in the night."

    Turning to Wen Qinxue, Wen Ying said, "Mom, go downstairs first. If they ask, just say she's sleeping." He had no intention of addressing her as grandmother at all.

    "Like this?" Wen Qinxue hesitated, "They've all seen..."

    Wen Ying teased, "Silencing them?"

    Wen Qinxue remained silent.

    "I have a grasp on the situation," Wen Ying said, pushing Wen Qinxue towards the door. "Mom, this was part of my plan. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

    Tonight, Shi Cailing would be knocked out until morning. Then, Wen Ying intended to interrogate the three exorcists about their intentions after capturing Wen Qinxue. He hadn't forgotten about the church's desire for demonic blood.

    Wen Ying accompanied Wen Qinxue outside and administered the magic potion that hindered affinity with demonic energy.


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