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    Chapter 277 - Anticipation

    After finishing classes in the afternoon, Wen Ying carried two dinner boxes back to the dormitory. Beros had already returned. Upon seeing him, Wen Ying asked, "Beros, how much do you know about the Extreme Party?"


    "I feel like the Devil King is somewhat lenient towards the Extreme Party," Wen Ying placed the meal box on the table, "Even though it's difficult to find them among ordinary demons, their numbers are still too high."

    Beros quickly understood what Wen Ying wanted to ask, "I won't be involved in family matters until I come of age."

    Wen Ying looked at him with a disappointed expression. Beros: "…" His super self-esteem was hurt.

    "Then when the Devil King summoned you previously, did he reveal anything?" Wen Ying sat on Beros' lap, holding his face as they looked into each other's eyes, "Don't lie to me."

    Beros wrapped his arms around Wen Ying's waist, "He indeed only mentioned those things, but..."


    "It seems he truly doesn't know about your status as a second-generation angel," Beros said, "I checked in our territory, and there's no record of this matter in my family's records. The same should apply to other families."

    Wen Ying leaned his chin on Bellerophon's shoulder and muttered, "Then I'll show the Demon King what a surprise is."

    Bellerophon gazed at Wen Ying's profile, wanting to say something but holding back. He felt like he wasn't acting like a devil at all.

    Forget it, he was just pretending to be blind, not actually doing anything.

    Wen Ying lifted his gaze to look up at Bellerophon with a profound expression. "Bellerophon, you won't tip off the Demon King, will you?"


    Wen Ying said softly, "You hesitated."

    "If you do, I'll go find Yun Lao," Wen Ying continued. "He executed my orders flawlessly."

    Speaking of which, Yun Lao had been punished to copy books. Wen Ying felt that he owed him something, but what should he send? His mind wandered for a few seconds before being pulled back by Bellerophon's sudden drop in mood.

    "No way."

    Wen Ying chuckled. "That answer was firm and resolute, not a bit hesitant."

    Wen Ying wrapped his arm around Beros' neck, his voice deliberately soft as he whispered in the god's ear, "Just how much do you like me? Everyone thinks you'll eventually break up with me."

    Beros stroked Wen Ying's hair gently and replied in a low but resolute tone, "I won't."

    Wen Ying chuckled teasingly. The ring of his phone disrupted their intimate moment. He paused, frowning as he checked who was calling. The sight of the caller's identity only deepened his frown.

    "The Demon King?"

    "Mm," Beros affirmed.

    Devil King: "Wen Ying, how are you holding up? The matter we discussed previously needs to be expedited."

    "Are you planning to announce it sooner?"

    "Yes, within these few days."

    It seems Wu Shaluo's coming-of-age ceremony is also around this time. It coincides perfectly.

    "I have no objections, Your Majesty the Devil King."

    The Demon King spoke with a profound tone, "I thought you would ask me some questions." A few days ago, he was greatly angered by that little rascal Wen Ying, but fortunately, he had a Plan B, and even a backup plan beyond that. Otherwise, his grand scheme would truly have fallen apart in Wen Ying's hands.

    Wen Ying replied softly, "My Lord Demon King, I have no questions."

    There was a pause from the other end of the line, "That's good."

    With that, the Demon King hung up.

    Beros looked at the now-disconnected call and asked, "What plan did the Demon King mention to you?"

    "Oh right, I haven't told you yet."

    Wen Ying, realizing his oversight, looked at Beros' face and said with a bright smile, "The Demon King said he wants me to be the next Demon King. Surprised?"

    Beros' red eyes were filled with disbelief, every cell on his face seemingly spelling out the word 'shock'. Overwhelmed by surprise, Beros was momentarily at a loss for words, unable to speak.

    It was even more unbelievable than when he found out he was a second-generation angel.

    Wen Ying waved his hand in front of Beros, "Too much information?"

    Boros seized Wen Ying's waving hand, his breath quickened as he spoke with intense emotion, "Why? Why would the Demon King pass on his throne to you?"

    Perceiving the hidden desire in Boros' tone, Wen Ying recalled his great-grandfather's words about the rules regarding the Demon King's succession. He looked at Boros and cautiously asked, "Boros, could it be that you have aspirations for the position of the Demon King?"


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