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    Does this count as indirect kissing?

    Innocent Daxuelang thought so.

    Shen Jiangling was very fast and returned to the room in the blink of an eye.

    "Little Si, let's go to sleep." He kicked off his shoes and went to bed. Shen Jiangling stepped over Xuelang and got into the bed.

    He lifted the quilt, patted the seat next to him twice, and said cheerfully, "Little Si, come in and sleep."

    Xuelang obediently went in, and Shen Jiangling wrapped his hands and feet together as usual.

    Bring Xuelang into his arms and let's do it, he sighed contentedly, "Little Si, it's great to have you here!"

    Shen Jiangling had a habit of holding something in his arms when sleeping.

    In the past, rolled the quilt and held it reluctantly. Since Xuelang went to bed, changed to this plush self-heating intelligent oversized pillow, which feels great!

    Xuelang has not been here for the past few days, and he has not slept well.

    Fortunately, Ah Ci was considerate and sent Xuelang over.

    Shen Jiangling rubbed against Snow Wolf's smooth fur, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

    Bridge Bean Sacks!

    What did he just think of!

    Gu Chaoci!

    Shen Jiangling "sit up in shock from a dying illness", which startled Xuelang.

    "It's okay, it's okay, you continue to sleep." Shen Jiangling patted Xuelang and lay down again.

    If Xuelang hadn't come over, he would have forgotten the phone call that almost pierced the window paper yesterday!

    Suddenly remembering now, Shen Jiangling was so worried.

    "Little Si, did your master have water in his head?" He tugged at Xuelang's ears, his voice muffled.

    Xuelang raised his head and looked at Shen Jiangling suspiciously.

    Where does its brain get water?

    "Otherwise, why did he tease me?" Shen Jiangling sighed, and arched into Xuelang's arms, "Could it be that he really can't, and wants to use me as a shield?"

    Snow Wolf: "..."

    I'm sorry, I just had tinnitus, who do you think can't?

    "Haha." Shen Jiangling was amused by himself, shaking his shoulders, followed by Xuelang.

    "Hey, Ah Ci is so good, how could he possibly fall in love with me if he doesn't have the kind of person he wants?"

    "I'm just a rice bug who eats and waits to die. Well, I barely have the initial skill of painting, which can be upgraded, but I'm completely different from him."

    "He is looking for a partner, and it should be a female president who is evenly matched. Together, they will sweep the business world."

    "Or a lady from a famous family, who can not only help him deal with the affairs of the family, but also socialize with other wives and deal with the relationship well, so as to better cooperate."

    "What's the use of being with me?"

    Shen Jiangling looked careless, but deep down he was very inferior.

    He is not the original owner, not the arrogant young master who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, who would not naively think that two people who like each other can live happily together.

    Fairy tales are fairy tales because they always end at the best of times.

    As everyone knows, the real life is the later plot.

    There are no two identical leaves in the world, and no two identical people.

    Everyone's hobbies and habits are different.

    When in love, couples always hide their shortcomings, magnify their advantages, and feel that each other is very good to each other, but after marriage, it is a piece of chicken feathers.

    Chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, don't know how many couples have been driven crazy.

    Of course, Gu Chao quit his family and had a great career, so he didn't care about this.

    But there will certainly be other contradictions.

    Xuelang gritted his teeth, what kind of bastard was talking nonsense in front of a little idiot!

    Where is it not working!


    A black pot was caught on his head by surprise, and Xuelang wanted to cry with grief and anger.

    Man, can't say no!

    It can't wait to turn into a human shape and make Shen Jiangling sauce, let him try whether he can do it!

    Shen Jiangling didn't know Xuelang's inner os, and he thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to hide from Gu Chaoci and stay at his grandfather's house honestly.

    Maybe Gu Chaoci was just on a whim. He didn't see anyone for a long time. If he didn't do anything, the other party would definitely give up the idea.

    Shen Jiangling thought it was beautiful, but he didn't know that "Gu Chaoci", which he had complained about for a long time, was lying beside him at the moment and listened to the scene.

    The next day, when Shen Jiangling was woken up, he was a little dizzy because of lack of sleep, and his heart was pounding, as if he was about to rush out of his chest.

    "Little Si." Shen Jiangling supported the bedpost, his face full of vicissitudes, and his voice was weak, "We can't talk at night in the future, we have to go to bed earlier, otherwise we will be bald and die suddenly."

    Snow Wolf: "..."

    Shen Jiangling went to the bathroom to wash up like a walking corpse, and went downstairs to have breakfast in a daze. When the family saw that his face was not good, they rushed him upstairs to sleep after eating.

    After getting full of sleep, Shen Jiangling was finally full of blood and resurrected.

    that is……

    "Hey—the tongue hurts!"

    "Yesterday I told you not to eat so many oranges. You didn't listen. Are you happy now?" Shen's mother looked at Shen Jiangling's swollen tongue, both angry and funny, and finally made Shen Jiangling a cup of chrysanthemum and wolfberry.

    "Girls only drink scented tea." Shen Jiangling took the cup slowly, with a reluctant expression.

    "Understood, daughter." Mother Shen raised her chin, "Hurry up and drink."

    Shen Jiangling: "..."

    Mom, you've changed, you've never been so naughty before.

    Do you not love me anymore?

    Xuelang raised his eyes, Shen Jiangling was like a small hamster, holding a cup in both hands, sipping chrysanthemum tea.

    It's a little helpless.

    This little idiot, he made himself angry when he was not there for two days, how can he rest assured that he will be alone in the future?

    After chasing someone, you must take them wherever you go, otherwise, God knows how stupid the little idiot will be.

    Went to my second grandpa's house for lunch today.

    During the chat, relatives inquired about the marriage of the three Shen Jiangling brothers, and learned that they had no match, and wanted to help introduce them.


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