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    The world's first crowdsourcing-driven asian bl novel translation community


    Juan 涅 悓 Bang 溡 栭 溡 溡 溡 溡 镄 镄 琏 鐬 庣 伀 豾 旂 ㄩ 噷 镄 ┖ 闂 Cui 竴 拉 狗 揄 汉 敄 勩 厛 鏄 鹏 ¢ nick 闀 cross 殑 bi board 粖 粃 eggAo ChanAfter further discussion

    杩欐吖闂ㄤ笉钖屼簬鍓嶉消镄勶纴麴逹冩姸駸鎻忕湾湖斿阌佺殑豼竴liaoPU嬭緵鎭gwan杩湪湪把潃玄ユ庝箞郇纻李槸槸鍙浠饂阴ㄥ顺鑳耳繘针亴麴麻醻兘 NingBanyan庨溨旨珵oss镄勤拤拎綋周涗笉鏀旘庝箞E烇纻

    “The Umbrella Chain

    椤色睙鍗采憺毐皮风湁鹁达躴麴悛灉鏅谱殑瀵嗙爜麻赠栦杩杩樿兘鎺ㄧ悊江沋麴杩欑巷村樼戞妧松уFan Hao distinguishes the key to prevent the loss of the case.


    鏄熻隣鍗鍗杂门犺镄勭湅湅湅旙湁湁吧吧嘌佺殑松涙仯鐬拰椤玉静睙鍗键屼粬向婂墠鐢ㄥ姏鎺ㄤJane JuanUmbrella




    This is the most important thing that can happen to a person.


    ===Quitting 23 犫犃疄疄南屽よ勫垯===



    杩涘叆阅评重重重量重量重量非常见重重量重量重量This is the most important thing to do榧揿姩创阵屽儚鏋佷Jian Juan棰楄捦ㄨ脱靖ㄧ殑冭剰

    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 超 篃 绠 楁 槸 汽 瘑 幽 幽 幽 汽 悇 crepe 綈 米 ョ 捦 捦 汽 汽 野 熶 鏄 樌 ¤ 佽 直风 鹼 絾 杩 欑 籼浾 杩 欑 米 米Nao 嗛 噷 Gallium 綅 瓨 ㄧ ㄧ 殑 鍦 鍦 荦 炎 炎 炎 炎病病病病相风 展笉 鐢 Bian 缑宁


    Chan у stomp 噾 坩 囧 幓 adze

    ”旂村叧叧叧姩姩闹打荏Bian 悓鍙戝睍杩涘寲


    1. The chain of fire and the chain of disease will be replaced by the chain of disease.yu

    2. This is the reason for this.The result is that it is not possible to change it to the next step.

    3. The reason for this is to use it as an example.獒约盚笉瀵秴駴秴駴秴风铛鍒荒黠仠古(1) Cutting Huanyu: Line d058墍鐪婚矌镄狪竴鍒囦笉怵感妹卦卦站閮饰槸姸觸夛纴玉豹笉佉佹舱鎱岋纴麻熶笉费佺浉吉°

    4. The first is the number and the number of the number.浠ュ碠huan b026 〹ゅノアㄥ囩敤颢秏皇荺沺炝悝镒镒鍦ㄦゆ湡闂旂斂薇笉低阽阽阽阽阽雨消佸鴖达璺橂惉鍒板囨镄勫0 寃毃荒嶈佺悊浼浪洒鍐嶆¢tons of new langmai 纴纴纴笉而佺悊浼浼洒

    5 潸洜向随疄閄岃嵂卓傜殑锴熷洜风汾湰怹为獙瀹ら历chan囧尰顺″ゅ拰向打棬镄镄勫尰鐢燂纴纴首镒忓少页″ゆ湁昱斿閿那链接竴幽阿屽湪d058 瀹ゃ悛偍鐪柌键餋埧闂定何毕捖槟瀹ょ殑鐗屽瓙风峰啀幽夌'璁ゅ埌搴曟姸吧涆槸d058

    6 潸尰阴″ょ殑鍖肉敓铄湖湖湖湖草草蛋蛋纴纴麴愰揮浮麴溴斿镼逹屾暣风汼沬阴槠鑹抱抱ぇウ溴瑳The effect of this situation is that it can be used in the case of d058.Adze

    7. 潺洃鎺ф belt 鍒湪 d038 わ 溴 溴 effect 疄 ゅ ゅ 鐢 熶 change huan 盟 鉰 栬 頬 厛 wa sentence Han 鍓 line 鐩 戞 belt 瀹 わ 贒 炛 鍦 ㄧ ㄴ鎺уゅ彂鐜搜揾浠栫敓鐗╁叆渠斄疄南屽よ风珛鍒婚氱煡d023逹ょ殑瀹変憳飞鹼粬浠浼阿鹓鹓e喅杩欎竒围EffectsThis is the most important thing to do in the future.

    8. It is possible to save the time of the accident.嶈阿ギ鐢ㄣXia 014 瀹や竴鍏Bian Yuying樻斁鍗佺摱绁炰粰姘达纴痴狂风雨麝姐鐢ㄣ

    9 001 ゆゆ槸 chain 〹 for the ょけけんょけっつつつばばがいづてててすとてんとてんててすまてんのでへくくくくくたはまおまおまおまおKey to the following:


    Xuanfeng Shushu ゅ 疄 Nan 屽 ゅ Cutting down and destroying the gallium chainadze

    杩欎锅银勫垯环空翔绑烧烤镄苪勒鎭鎭汶笉汉湙纴杨涙仯鐬碭梭梭叶口料橀粯扊扊冿麴钖椂申ㄦ前麒版"惈The shoulders and the shoulders are the same as the ones in the front of the head.

    The disease is crimson, and the curative effect is trickling.

    涙仯鐬听喜撖打打拉璺纹纽纴盨镄勭湅钖戝洓锅ㄤ笅镒忚瘑镄拫画相着编相镄勬潵jing愩傝屽叾浠栨湁忛镄拪汉This is the most important thing that can be done in the future.

    Huanhuo wipes and collects "镄勫ぉ鑺 distinguishing 澘juan 穂穂 苗 婂 line 皵 皵 Juan ㄥ 叆 Juan crepe 綈 倝 WAN ㈣ 壊 镄 独 皵 拉 纴 у chop juan arrowhead drop 棿 BA 忎 綇 forging fried惛风岃緵鎭gwan鐢汗呖浠庣┖闂攻噷鎺忓嚭鏉ヤ初鍑犱铁阒蘨坤(1叿掔粰鍏多粬沬库恒


    It is not possible to stop the accident.



    This is the most important thing to do.


    鍙鑳鑫槸槸橃"湪浼戞伅革囦簭风鹽ス昫嬫剰嗙殑礊缑液傛灉鎸夌入勫枯锲鑳笉吉翋狐飞簬揄鍦 ㄩ ぅ 遅 栭 锼 鱽 Zhang 鍢堟潅镄拫杖炉0 Zan婃潵Zan婅繎问锴麴铦韇镄勬墬墬啄镄镄九鶙搢鐢电瓛

    “It’s very difficult to find a way out of the village.

    This is the most important thing to do in the future.

    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 Chong Juan arrowhead 棿 鐪 嬫 竻 Yu hydrogen Jian Lu f 槸 浠 栟 鐗 ┿

    Pickaxe 麝箞褰(1) Rose adze

    Sliding and slippery, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, slack, slack, slack, slackThe effect of this is that it can be used for a long time.麴鍙栬屼愉野欬殑鏄瀹涘涉彶罶罗宁吉镄勫 Kun铻嶅寲鐭玉忚ЕGallium庴麴鿚ЕGallium嬶麴锴隶阺ЕGallium嬬粨钖铁湪湪湪湪駸浠浠栟鉱ying愮


    It is easy to see if there is any other way to break it down.


    鍒玄村ス阿屽氩杩 is "荒醷崼鍜屾"惈閮疮篦鍙楃殑镄维扪鐪夊ご籼篃玉艾苏链槦钑钑竴松Hong兘兘救镄端拉格·

    杩欎簺汁滆タ鏄浠庢埧闂村阿麢韧闂村阿鍙费费户敄镄勪苪骨那回飬reading岃鏀销幘鏉ョ殑雽备粖鲖鐤昢闕竴鑸阿镄勪质销键飬reading屾search adz 屽 彲烧料旂ㄥammonia 獏荏纴纹熧 slippery 璺戜笉鍑 coaxing 鹓 adze 屽彨 Dan mixed 秺鍙戠 sword pick ュ key chiya ..coM

    The chain link between the chains and the chains and the chains

    琚萱鍙屽弻宻炰汉镄勬亹锹栫溂琚洴梁领铃緵鎭gwan Jian冮陷chain変簺鍙戞抱静鱽ス鍦ㄥ师鏉ョ殑栫晫陫佽弹糊隑Rudder painting 镄 勫 彉 Liao effect adzeIn this case, it is possible to prevent the

    椤色睙鍗铗掓槸餾箟飞駑槑树选綋鍓混掑鎯呭喌樿兘玭緵鎭gwan鎶ゅ湪湪钖麯麴鏄暣采熸鍑重釒鱽摩锋夋"惈锋嗗憜镄勬湜湜爷g Jing鐢熺颿 adzes屼竴鍓琚钖揿潖旙殑镙锵铙




    Key to the lawThis is not the case.

    Lian Gui Heng Chan Da Qu Ding Concubine Ding Dang Bang Ding Luan Ding Ding Huan Huan Huan Hua Dian Dian ЩE ㄨ Jiao Huan Qi E ㄦ Nan Xing Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Ding Da Ding Ding Ding Ding Bang Xing Dian Xing Huan

    Juicy 竴 crepe 掞 麴 鎴 block 磿 read out 殑鎽 勫 儚 cun 灛 闂 垎 邦 纴 绐 佸 effect 揾鏉ョ 捙 樻 ︰ ︰ ╂ 槦 钑 villagefront

    This is the most important thing to do.

    Shu ゆ 餂 adze 岄 恅 TI ょ 敓 鐗 ╁ 返笎愬愬暢浠栦接杂趇綇风岄“色熷崼镄议罃鐪夊ご鎯打棶涗綗粈臬鍙杩欎荎拉槑鏄句笉鏄玉阽镄勫ソ魔镜満麀麀鹼粬针麽镄镄勬钑钑村仔镄勬槦钑村仔忔娊鍒钖戣节泽ゆゆこ萨冩亹锹栫殑鐜╂剩嶅幓流sneeze

    杩欎笢瑗跨跑阵ㄩ熷消涅涅涅涅汽畠浠鲄偅涅涅ぇ写夊潡镙镙风镙鹘緢雍纴麼笖琚风嶆浇旙琒萒着葳By borrowing the slack and the slack, the peak and the slack will be broken.

    Branch 涙 仯 萬 謁 鬁 卑 coaxing 嚑 鐡 chopping 熆 爽屼絾娌¢犳犳鏄庢樉镄鋪狪怹化

    “It’s a good idea to use it to save money.

    Pickaxe "惈绐佺抧阧у0锽冨杻lang雄麴莲洗起几欫姄朚緵鎭gwanxuandaxi"Cang垜浠浠浠托色雷d铁绁炰秘様杂郂佲

    Lian Gui's wife and mother's wife died

    Branches and clumps, Chong, Juan, Juan, and adzes

    Lian Gui's "Liao Hao" "惈镄括销销销风瑧瑧玄达达"滀笉鐢ㄣ傗


    It is difficult to see if there is any problem.



    « Destroyed »

    Lu d 簺 鐢 熺 墿 杩 炰 竴 Dan version 儴 鍙 閮 mustard disease

    Jiao 斿 崡 鍗 楃 殑 鐖 brother wild 溣 殑 spin inch tweezer inch 殑lv g 嶃

    ===Quit 24 披拰鎴戞梦揋揋揋惂“===


    It's not easy to see if it's not working

    涙仯鐬 Chong Shuliao 搪阴麴麴鍏堟犅NAO Changing Jian Juan Juan 嚜陈议殑liao 傝兘 adze 屽棷 adze


    This is the most important thing to do.It's time to change it into a new one


    “It’s a good idea to use it.”

    This is the most important thing to doュドぉ鐢熻慘涘阿斿斿叾浠栦汉树栦晩晩倃



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