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    The world's first crowdsourcing-driven asian bl novel translation community

    I'm sorry"

    “The chain of disease






    md adze

    Shu ゆ 椂 Lian rule drop 鑴 摴 求 chain 餉簺 鍙 戣 Jiang adze



    Hao ゅ 叾 鏄 鎽 斿 掑 悗 鍙 戠 鏄 熻 暣 shu g 鏯鍦 ㄥ ス 镄 勬 e 颠 鏂 菉 鏄 鎯 戠 殑 鐪 嬬潃 Lian Guang

    Lian Gui according to Hao Ping 勮 В read Lou Yu ャ

    Juan 嶈 umbrella 镙 crazy cun 殑 Xuan 濓 纴 杩 娿 兘 杩坩 Gou Bang 嗭 纴 笎 綘 鎷 纻 Keqian Cui 笉 鎴 愶 纻


    ❖The most important thing to do is to read the briefing, and then to give the briefing.




    It's hard to see why

    The chain of disease, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, the disease chain, and the disease chain.This is the most important thing to do in the future.


    In the village of Xi'an, there is a lot of trouble in the village.

    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 pet system 章 阒 庆 厜 耶 姩 WA 觩 Tao Huan captive 麴 鐒 stomp 悗 Hao 闗 1 巺 read out 殑 搴 橃 敹 破 炵 ┖ 闂 Da 纴 mace torchesOverlooked at the scene.

    Shu ゆ 椂 晨 粡 鏄 捗 捗 铁 洄 拯 拯 狯 斮 ㄥ ㄥ 耵 嗙 爜镄If the chain is attached to the chain, it will be cut off and the chain will be closed.The rudder pendant chain can be used to reduce the risk of injury.

    Qi 楄 瘽 Xuan Cun 湁 阍 Braid 兘条 and 渹 汽 湪湪涙 仯 鐬 姳 旕 竴 х Ma 阍 Bian 悗 Gallium 嬫 満 搴 楃 殑 搴 椾 Fu Ning Lian Gui В∙

    This is the most important thing to do in the future.

    ===Quitting 29 炎汾顾鐜樋樋普===

    “This is a very difficult situation.

    Gallium, gallium, gallium, adz, 岄, 噷, 湁, 揿, indigo, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anda


    Lian Jie Jian adze 屽 curtain xuan 翅 笉 灰 灰 quenching 炛垜 鍙 couch 愮 憺 adzeWeaving∙

    杩欎铁澧揿揿结镄狪富浜烤槸荗鍗冨霓鍓荓荓捑汑球球棌飌鲄噷坤㈣风萨鮑闄钁鍝佢緢淢麴雨蛋草鏄评遣遣If there is a large amount of damage to be done, it will be difficult to prevent it from happening.

    厭曟垜褰撴椂杂斗空¢亣鍒混杰边边刨鎯咃麴鍙頟者鍙堟鄳镄鋶麴駞吉橂揿ら噷鐏鍏餐麴鏆楋麴褰撂鎴戈樌℃湁者议┒杩欑嶅囨田鄪簬鍝诋纴鎴戝拰鎴戠殑瀵炒笀閮mustard槸chain夋枃鍖栨湁犺川镄拪汉风Qian rudder disease chainInsula

    捙鏄鎴戠殑瀵流笀鍗村湪鎴戜戜捑嗗囩荑嗗囩荓嶏纴鍦ㄩ櫔钁鍝阴卙戠戠戠湇湇旕竴铝盨镄gong鲃萨驇操斗Bang 旕竴 Juan Chan Chan 潅 key 岃 can ョ 殑鍙 や Hua Liao 忋

    The chain is stretched and the chain is stretched and the chain is stretched.问犵犵缂堢殑汑滆み阿屾寜鐞嗘潵秀病病病病痛餰璶湡飞屾墍浠ュ綋鎴戞垜镄炒环锅峰伔厶婅表链链佽棌飌锋潵宁“Egg 镄 鋤链欙麴掴戞鉴樌 ℃ 湁鹁氭兂风屾瞜浠ヤ货浠栧叄鏄鍗通镄狫儿直条涙劅鍏考谁钾兂依佺作嚜The lazy and sickle flag┒┒∙

    Juanqian Village Cui Huan Umbrella Huan Huan Jian Jian Huan Huan Ji Huan Banner Chen Gu Opera Huan Xuan Cui Huan 鎸 夌 Shou 鍙 ょ 睄 Juan Juan 殑 绁 绁 珂 硶 adzeThis is the most important thing to do.鐜companion

    鎴戞校杩滃修改结种单列eぉ镄勫満鏅风屾槑鏄庣槠秠╄改砟e先镄狪竴汉江纴麴鍒组绅笂绐佺捙荙掴愪This is the most important thing to do.倝风屾垜狮皟镆ユ垜瀵炒笀镄勬儏鍐点

    掴戝彂鐜板彉鎴愯村波鶆鐗╃殑涆涆(2)果链弸弸汑浪溴纴犱犱重都f湰鍙よ湰鍙よAnti-Juan橅料镄勫狠琗ょキ绁鏂硶立算This is the key潹澘杩涜屽悎滐纴吹や汉巧皮疯瘯抯抯重火火悴槑风出堟眰姘敓镓·

    Juanliao, Pu, and Long, and so on.撁╀汉姘哥敓镄勮倝阵汽捦ㄦ垜果浠ヤ浠栨槸镇栧櫆构镄勬椂chain欙麴锅锅抧闂宜果鍙戠幇醸潵浠栧湪鍏夋槑Crepe, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, slack, scorpion, slack, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, scorpionIt's hard to get rid of it

    流嬫儏鍙戝睍馒阵鍦ㄨUmbrella Juicing Edition ワ纴鎴戜篃首餎浠亴麴餎浠亴麴麻邛灉流嶆槸餰揿垵鎴战香那低果镄脱笀闄鎴戝鹓㈤斗锋屾瞨璁钁髴鍒兘兘汉捙戠敓傛墍浠ユ垜滃叆旗嗗厜鏄庣戞妧馧鍙哥殑怹为獙瀹わ纴鐒悗厴鈝彂鐜To issue the flag of sickle and sickle ┒ 镄 狪 笢 瑗 carry 瘮 鎴 戞 兂 Pu ′ 节镄 独 贿 鎭 栵 紒 罗毦浠ュ 悕 clock error adze


    Xuan Cui Jian Zhuan Ruan Chan Chan Pan Fan Huan Huan Huan Huan Huan Yu Yu Huan Huan Chong Huan Zong Zhe Zhan Zun Zhan Zun Zhan Zun Zun Zun Zong Yu 樿 嫢 钖 溨 Collapse Chain 変 Han Zan 杩 涘 叆у 帵 Arrow Dake Baked ⧸杩Luan Jingyu

    Nao 嗛 戝 埌 Shu ょ 珉 燂 纴 纴 钖 纝 竴 盟 pendant chain bake 骭 ㄤ Jian Juan Juan 嬶 纴 浠 麤 鬶 麀 鐏 鍏 夌 销条镄 勴 鹅湅鹅 adze鹇浠栧綍Nao嗛戠殑鍦版 Nan Hao distinguish "槸浠栦掹" "埌赠栦掹" "埌阿嬫満镄勪鴤鎭瀹ゃ


    闄やJian杩欐笐乡旛戜样栵纴杩欎铁鬫満躱脄杩樻湁鍑犲紶托碖碖锋竴铱珄珄犳犳硾苮佹蕄狪綏纴Dramatic siege, scorpion, scorpion, slack, slack, slack, slack, slack, slack, slack, slackI'm sorry

    ❖Destroy the siegeThis is the most effective way to achieve this goal.Bang



    鍝销曞 叄 鏄 揄 犵犵收雷盷纴麴趉渿鎾 亹锹栫殑镒醻餎汄浼犻掑嚭鏉ワ纴浠よ呮湜锁镓

    I'm not sure if I'm not going to be able to do that.


    Branches and worms are broken

    Lian Gui's work is done in a row.

    Huancup wipe ㄨ gallium adze屾槸谕忕Edited 鍟婏纴纵野鐖首食铁隭陈鍓嶈╂瞜鞜簱申攤礼目受椤句綘风屾集鎴戞湁浠栜砜环呭悧风醶笉鐢ㄥII皵In the next step


    李髴liao Pu 嬭 夊 缑 mace borrow ぉ Shu e father 褰 2 佺 殑 鐜 娋 樋 PU ㄥ 彲 鑳 quit 笉 呮 氭槰 chan ╂ 櫄 吂 鐂 鐢 殑 Bang 嬫 儏 adzeThe plate will be broken and the chain will be broken.


    Li Si, Xuan Cui, Jian Juan, Juan, Huan, Adze, Huan, Huan, Huan, etc.

    Lian Gui stirs up the water and the chains of the chains and chains and the chains of the chains of the dead.



    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 Chong Gongchen Village anti-镄 勫 拰 苰 苰 苰 甲 锿 ┿

    鐜嬮樋拉ㄤ緷门 т雨鎸佺潃lve altar quilting guixi╅樋樋ㄦ disease chain

    涙 仯 鐬 喜 斗 斗 拮 傲 埌 士 问 殑 殑 宑 耹 躴 溴 吅 吅 啀 吞 嗕 fine 鐜 嬮 樋 PU ㄣ

    李湰鏉 ユ 槸 鎯 pumping 搜嬮樋pu adze out 湅瑳笉瑳鑳骨荒 with 恅汁绁鍧涚殑殑流流阵阵鹿齲鎯滆"垝枝鱼笉氶樋

    Lv e 味 佑彟潟憻箠箠狪简称

    涙 仯 萬 濊 濊 濁 抶 欶 欶 笶 纴 纴 麴 悗 搬 极 柌 笅 鬅 鹽 湪 Hao 濓 鰯 read out 殑鍏 鍏 Bian 鰯 鍩 冷 埌 括 檭 咖 钖 汾 餂 Gallium 噷 杩樻揋滃拰搡滃瓙

    Lian Gui's 搩镙雨槸濓尯评脄恅流涙棤飤都左向镄勬儏鎶ヤ笓樷斺纡槾鄬ぇ湖堜极风

    === 30 years old


    This is the most important thing to do if you want to save the chain.This is the case for the next step.



    鍒板皬米跨殑雨椤瓙阅鲃钃WAN Bian爢鍙犲嚭吹吹向向畻烟じ善犵殑宗 у色重风頧彛鍜岃欐憜飞针钑句笣岃叞闂inchI'm lazy, slapped, and I'm not sure if I'm not going to be able to do it.

    pickaxe taboo adze


    It's a good thing to do.


    "Chang's sickness and illnessg Wanxuan inch 潃 鎽 tree 笅 欅 欅 濎 cover ⎔ 粰 arrowhead 佽 unexpectedly 吩 吩 吩 洴 破 申 礤 鐪 嬬 殑 Hao コ コ Ying┿

    “This is the most important thing to do.

    Hao 忓 コ Ying ╁ Jian Mi 殑 杩 chimney Daxi  A Zhang ⑨ 焬 然 纴 PU 愬 焪 綘 鏄 鍏 捏 悧 熶綘镄 勭 帇 鍐 犲憿 熲


    Branches, stalks, pets, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezersconcubine

    I'm not sure if I'm going to say ""


    Hao 忓 コ Ying ╃ 溂 engraved 涢 兘 bang bang 旭 纴 杩 炲 umbrella chain 猫 ご Chen ㄧ ず trickle new fine Xuan village Lai Hui

    Branching out

    "It's a good idea to use it."

    It's hard to get rid of it.



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