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    The world's first crowdsourcing-driven asian bl novel translation community

    Concubine, pick, pick, and Jane



    搑堢殑鍗曟曟㈣緭鍑捑吹紩贩贝笉笉昨翕殑Eㄩrun adz.The wind and the wind and the chain and the chain and the key and the key.


    鍏湁疄鍗起愉疄鍗起光涅綅厑璁稌″珧珍稌”珧约纴躴莱莱担流嗛遅流氭″altar chain adzethe

    て ㄥ 揾栫潮镄 勫悓铭﹀父领针钥杩囨潵梠梠销杩囨潵梠梠沃緵g掭gwan Chen没鲡鲬浠鍏ㄩㄴ鄴鈥掍接掍

    Forging ㄩ怿鍜屽喎鐏炎瞰鎷ㄥ流椤ら棬鍙o纴鐪婚和杩椤満庀汀周周叶充流浪钟钉鐢Bian缑镒d綇旐

    混嗘渶纹濈殑杩樿佹暟杨樻雅濞侊纴浠栦竴liao Pupingou娌℃湁鍑戜笂鏉ワ纴纴纴鹅鍒板眬口佹槑駑豼粬cen熲滃搸搸Forging︹濅竴丹伴『铁掑湪湪旕汉蒂やい肠飞豼竴飞风毃营捊鍏獏


    搝 Juan taboo change Pu 楀 楁 潵 杩 燂 纖 纨 溴 杩檡 笑 や 铁镡 熶 Han adze

    Branch 涙仯鐬 Chong 溂绁 炰笌浠栫◢环干浜ゆ祦 adze

    涙仯鐬几湅钖戞掓皵鍐接敿镄勭彮向改运改变,屼竴楼掕掹掹九儏风鹅煍室见棤E╃殑讑达结軆佸謀犱砜簬鏉ヤ Jane adze

    Lian Gui and Chen Village turned back and said that they would not be able to do so.

    We can change the order and change the order of the market.2

    杭涙仯鐬重悊邊邊皵爷镄勭偣食皵着敄勭偣食皵ご风槸駸鍟驏纴犱笉qi″彲浠ラ磶鍏多粬咖屽︰槸汽嶆槸栦协鍏堟Write Banganadze

    Luan board plate 杩 欐 椂 chain 椤 洖 杩 炴 潵 adze

    It is not possible to change the location of the case.

    Luan Banban Juan Juan Concubine Concubine Danchou Concubine Swimming

    It’s not easy to change卜屾暀瀵 Between the rich and the poora

    Juanliao Pupin 拰莽 四冷 吢熷 啿 佺 殑 lvd Keolian Chong 敓 钖鍒 Mixing Umbrella 杩 炲 Umbrella 厽 囧 ご adzeadze

    It's not easy to change it.

    ❖Cang ➜ ¤ ¤ adze"Adze 岃修萨置彮向改荒杽靽Adze 綘杩樿 素粬吧╀竴营鐚ョ悙风竴搚鐚ョ悙风髴萩鐩萩萩姩寸巷閰嶏素"

    搝 Juan

    Luan Banban Juan Cui Cake Cang Yu Cake Cang Yu Zhang Zhang Wei Zhang Huan Huan Yu Kuang Huan Kuang Huan "濈殑 Nickel Dian Difficult" 厯呫


    Lu e 悕 Lian Chong 敓 杩 樻 兂 Xuan Cui 簺 浠 頬 纴 Huan Huan 巵 g Wan Juan 沰 荰 杨 杨 樻 兂 火 精风 綘 杩 樻 卙 鍙 ┏ ┏ adzeIt's not easy to change the price of the chain.

    搝 Juan taboo change the stirrup 悜 殑 forging fried 烛 adze

    Branches and branches

    鐝 Juan taboo change Chan фヨ egg 鍒 board コ Ying ╃ 殑搴т 綅 Juan 婏 麴 闅 忔 种 taboo simple indistinct torch 屼 笂镄 勮 鏂囦 Gong adzeJubilation, quilting, flag, and flag


    The silicon pulp is cunned and swollen, and the scorpion is swollen and sloppy.

    “It’s a good thing to do it right now.”

    Change the stirrups and make a change.


    The rich painting between the rich and the poor, the poor and the poorExcuse me

    It is necessary to replace the current situation with the new one.

    In the middle of the town, the rich and the poor are in the town.


    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 Chong 拰 lv d Keilian Chong 敓 璺 熺 潃 鐝 Juan taboo change bi board 嚭 鏁 椤 ︰ ゼ adze

    “It’s a good idea to use it.


    Lud Ke Lian Chong

    鐪嬫妸ying╁瓙钖揿缑 adze

    "I'm going to change the style"


    This is the best way to get the most out of your money.湀 adze

    This is the most important thing to do if you want to get rid of it.

    Changing chains and changing chainsResponse to fire

    It's time to go to the village.

    If you don't know what to do


    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 Chong ぜ Can 殑 绂 绂 ╃ 沄 偅 Juan Lian Chong

    杩Luan ╁ ス Xuan Village Regulations

    Biban 埌妹 and 鍙o 躴莲 GUI 鹅 鍒 companion "色熷崼鍦ㄧ瓑广广



    You can't wait to see what you want


    This is the most important thing to do in a village.


    The torch can be inlaid with the shackles.捒嗘槑鏄鎴戜扜捓嶈よ瘑镄勪嫴鐜╁重纴湘槸鐜板湪鍗槸鐜湪捗捗槑鐜湪捗捗槑鐜湪湪捗占馉鎴愪杪杩欎米汉栫镄刵pc adz.This is the most important thing to do in a row.

    "It's easy to help" and it's all over the place.

    Juan, boom, cen, umbrella, juan, chain, chain, borrowing, borrowing, over, and over, to tell, to tell.

    Branches and stalks of the sunAlkalinity



    ===Quitting 166 Huanfeng and Juanjuan ===

    Branches and branchesadze

    This is the first time have heard of it.

    Lu d cauldron, pot, ス Juan Shu ュ 揉 ョ 殑村 ╁ Xiao Shu h dong 鍦 ㄨ torch 屼 笂 鍝 ping o 纴 莱 湘竴 獏炒 ス Juan Shu ュ 揉 ョ 殑村 ╁ Xiao Shu h hole 鍦 ㄨ torchThis will be the cause of the accident.

    涙仯鐬听竢魢门犲揾汉欬殑鍧愬洖搴т綅干婏纴纴板板捏捏纹狯飶风向庝纞镙镙镙麻鐝向带樌 $綒涒犲惂飞熲

    The most important part


    This is the most important thing to do if you want to get rid of it.

    Luan Banban Song Song 壊 Juan Juan ぇ 鍙 Pu


    The rules and regulations can be used to describe the situation.

    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 Chong 掓 槸 涅 お 厱 岋 麴 纺犺槑鑫╃殑鍏ㄦ牎 谭駤chain 変沈沈浄闄╁ス閮答欉曘曘


    “It’s a good idea to do it right now.”

    Luan Banban ℃ 兂鍒板ス吹嶆媴冭嚜陈讑殑chan勫冭屾駸闂杩欎铁锅屾汾汾旘旘旘达达軆佸笀浠鍜屽▽敓干镙凤庴娌¤ 夐啋卓嶉兘琚‚†††††††††‡篃鏄阴阴佺江鎶ゆ暣冉阸︰鉎镄勭旗搴忕殑 adzesPlease contact us for more information.

    Branches and shackles


    Bi Award

    If you want to see it, you will be able to see it.

    Luan Banban 憷 灓 Qi 熨 ス 绂 绂 绂 绀 绀 綘 cen 熷 钖 э 纴 Zan 佽 騌 ′ 笂笂火 e ソ 杩 Hua 彲 浠 鹓 笶 纴鏄庡 ぉ 佹 槸 鍏 ㄦ ㄦ ㄦ

    Gallium and wails

    嗙瑧 杈涙仯鐬 瑧 嗙瑧 锛 瑧 滀笉 滀笉 滀笉 ワ纴鐝 ワ纴鐝 ワ纴鐝 ワ纴鐝 ワ纴鐝 杈涙仯鐬 璇 璇 槑澶 ╂ 垜鍙 浠ュ 浠ュ 湪 湪 鍏瀹 鍏瀹 鍏瀹 鍏瀹 阒 阒 纴 犱笅 犱笅 犱笅 犱笅 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳This is the most important thing to do in the future.

    Luan Banban █ 鏉 sentence Jian Juan 鍙 f 皵 adzeInsects

    The chain of worm disease is very severeThis is the most important thing to do in the future.

    Luan, board, shackle, Gui, Chan, Da, and fine.





    杩欎綅魔佸笀鎸戞戞搪夛纴鑴锵鬂鍑雑鹇湇掶玶琏鐏句宰绁哥殑绁炶壊风槸駸钖楋纻lvh刀绱у幓风粃玉笉灰Repairing and borrowing swords

    The rules and regulations are the same

    The branch and the tree can be seen from the bottom of the tree.

    李潵鍒 with 湶颦╃殑榑撹咹偛鍦纴麴鐩萨符㈣壊镄勮窇lang撴墦读忎Jianjuanょ溂风出鹅鍒板厛玛门竴諴鹅鏉ョ殑林冲╁瓙香f 燕趔镄紦鎱Ⅲ殑璺戞ワ纴忎忎都スㄤ綔閮borrowing儚鐢Indigo Award闀滃ご镄勬参阵ㄤ綔镙镙镙镙教飰濆ご鍑鹇繇热氭様达麴晨ㄦ儏鐥涜涜櫤护妹...  

    Branch 涙 仯 鐬 draw "bang 嗛" adze

    "The master's work will be done in a timely manner.

    It's easy to do itThe chain is different and the chain is different.

    BranchesThe pickaxe and the chain are broken and the chain is broken.

    卜屼粬浠赠村施玓纴杓杓涙仯鐬典篃威拉夫列璺战死璺戞ワ麴鍒檇干ゆュ阿鐭ラ死都dKuLianChong敓斗汽针鲈姸槸杩It's not easy

    鍓嶅嚑书ヨ修维锴鍙鏄Zan婂线钖庤韩涅婄殑Lu熸媴鏁㈣秺Read 嶏纴


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