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    Chapter 236 - Eruption

    A mocking smile curled at the corners of Lan Jiaying's lips as he gazed at those instigators, speaking with an elegant tone, "Do you really believe that was a look of repressed appetite?"

    Lan Jiaying reached out towards Wen Ying, but because Wen Ying stood amidst a group of demons, the humans were unaware of his intentions and remained on high alert, anticipating an attack.

    Wen Ying sighed. Lan Jiaying was really good at putting on a show, he thought to himself as he ridiculed him inwardly. He then took out the "weight loss pills" from his spatial bracelet and tossed the entire bottle to Lan Jiaying.

    The bottle traced a beautiful parabolic arc in mid-air before being caught by Lan Jiaying's raised hand.

    "Nice!" Wen Ying whispered. His aim was truly accurate.

    Almost instantaneously after Wen Ying threw the bottle, everyone noticed the movement. Amidst the tense atmosphere, some grew so nervous that they almost shot down the unknown object.

    Yan Liwen asked, "What did a demon just throw to him?" No one knew which demon had thrown it.

    Looking at Lan Jiaying, who appeared even more haughty and composed after receiving the potion bottle, Wen Ying let out a soft sigh. He poked Beros' arm and whispered, "I wish I could put on a show like that too."

    Beros lowered his gaze. "Then why did you throw the bottle?"

    Wen Ying sighed again. "I regret it now." But not really. Lan Jiaying was having a rough day, and Wen Ying couldn't help but feel sympathetic for him.

    As Wen Ying chatted with Persephone, the succubus Essence couldn't help but grumble, "You two should tone it down. The atmosphere is quite serious right now."

    "Serious?" Wen Ying sounded doubtful. Which demon around them had a serious expression? He suspected that some, like Muershi, were only putting on a show; otherwise, they would probably be munching on popcorn.

    They were all watching the spectacle unfold as if eating melon seeds.

    The reason for their casual and relaxed attitudes was the vast difference in power between the two races. They were not at all nervous.

    However... Wen Ying noticed that Koroy and Wu Fei seemed genuinely anxious. Wu Fei's unease was obvious, while Koroy's was more subtle.

    What had Koroy seen in the crystal ball that made him worry about how angry Lan Jiaying could become?

    With the bottle in hand, Lan Jiaying said nonchalantly, "Since you mentioned the photos from yesterday, I assume that the recording from yesterday captured us taking these pills inside the bottle."

    Chang Mufeng nodded. "What is that?" He had a vivid memory of that bottle, as every demon who consumed its contents had an ugly expression for a few seconds, including the one who was speaking now.

    The corners of Lan Jiaying's lips lifted even higher. "This is a potion that suppresses a demon's desire to be enraged."

    In the crowd, someone's expression shifted slightly. Someone muttered, "Perhaps you all planned this performance yesterday just to have a valid reason to speak up today. Conveniently, there were cameras recording the entire time, and you took advantage of that opportunity."

    Another voice from another direction spoke up, "I've never heard of such a magic potion. If a demon's appetite for anger can be suppressed by a potion, it should be quite renowned."

    Lan Jiaying wasn't annoyed; his tone carried a hint of teasing sarcasm. He called out to Wen Ying, "They're doubting your proficiency in alchemy, Wen... Mirror." It was a close call; he almost called him Wen Ying.

    He had noticed their spectator-like attitude, and Lan Jiaying had been displeased with that group for a while.

    Suddenly being called out, everyone's attention shifted back to Wen Ying. Instantly, he felt countless eyes converge on him. The demons standing nearby even stepped aside in unison, revealing Wen Ying in the center for everyone to see more clearly.

    Perseus said, "Here comes the grandstanding you wanted."

    Wen Ying whispered in surprise, "Are you serious, Perseus?"

    He studied Perseus's expression, and his lips twitched. Perseus was indeed serious – his emotional intelligence was a bit off the charts.

    Some demons might have traded their EQ for their good looks or physique.

    With everyone watching, Wen Ying cleared his throat and dropped a bombshell, "This is something I've developed myself, still in the experimental phase – it's not a perfected product yet."

    Devils who had tasted it: "???"

    The corners of Lan Jiaying's lips softened from her smile.

    Wen Ying continued, "Its flaw lies in the fact that it suppresses not only the devil's craving for life force but also their normal appetite. It can be so severe that they might even feel nauseous at the sight of regular food. Some devils, with more unique constitutions, would actually vomit."

    Devils who had actually vomited: "?!?"

    Upon closer inspection, one could notice that Scarlet's face was slightly pale and weak. He belonged to the group that had actually thrown up.

    Looking at Wen Ying, who spoke like a scholar, Scarlet clenched his fists, and his gaze stabbed at Wen Ying like knives.

    "Did you research this yourself?" Andre, a teacher from Azef, was astonished. "How is that possible? You must be lying. Devils crave life force just as humans need food when hungry. Strictly speaking, human life force is your staple!"

    "Even if what you say is true, what about the video?"

    Scarlet, agitated by Wen Ying, said sarcastically, "Videos can be manipulated."

    Hai Lige spoke solemnly, "I swear upon the laws that if this video turns out to be fabricated, I will never advance in cultivation for the rest of my life! This footage was copied directly from the surveillance camera."

    Lan Jiaying looked at Hai Lige, finding the golden hair particularly irritating. His eyes narrowed gradually, genuine anger stirring within him. The events of tonight, from the disgusting film to the repeated provocations against his patience, had pushed him to his limit.

    "I don't accept your so-called investigation," Lan Jiaying's smile vanished. "Deal with your internal conspiracies on your own. I have no time to play games with you."

    As he spoke, he pushed his power to its limits within the boundaries of the law, magic surging as a swirling azure mist enveloped him, emitting a scorching, overwhelming aura that instantly cracked the cinema walls. They shattered with a resounding crash, exposing the scene inside to everyone in the hall.

    The people in the hall, who had initially calmed down, let out another round of screams upon seeing the state of the cinema after the wall collapse.

    Two walls had crumbled, and the others seemed on the verge of following suit. As for the cinema seats, only a fraction remained intact.

    Before Yan Liwen and the other exorcists could speak, Andre quickly said, "If you're unwilling to investigate yourself, then don't interfere with our quest for justice for the victims!"

    Yan Liwen and the other exorcists: "???" Wait, buddy, Lan Jiaying is the First Prince of the Demon Realm. His status represents the face of the Demon Realm. If you start fighting, do you think the other twenty-nine demons would just stand by?

    Dealing with one Lan Jiaying was already challenging, let alone all twenty-nine of them. If a battle broke out, it might spark a second war between humans and demons.

    The students who had made pacts with demons whispered noisily.

    "Could there be some hidden reason behind this? After spending time with him, I feel like Lan Jiaying wouldn't do something like this."

    "After all, he's the First Prince of the Demon Realm. He should have some sense. If he wanted to make a move, he'd choose a time and place where we wouldn't discover him. Why would he choose a cinema with surveillance cameras?"

    "Maybe they've grown tired of pretending? Some of those demons seem dangerous even at first glance. They look at us like ants. Perhaps they've already secretly attacked many people without our notice."

    "That's quite terrifying when you put it that way."

    "But some demons are actually quite nice. They don't have airs, and their personalities are likable. I feel like I'm interacting with ordinary human friends."

    Lan Jiaying's pride and dignity as a prince of the Demon Realm refused to comply with their absurd spectacle. His gaze, filled with killing intent, locked onto the blond Hai Lige.

    Blond hair!

    The scene from the movie flashed through Hai Lige's mind. They had obtained and exposed the secret history of the Demon Realm from the extremist group, enraging Lan Jiaying to the point where his emotions overwhelmed his reason. Now, in front of humans, he had shed even the facade of elegance and arrogance.

    The once radiant smile on his face was replaced by an expressionless mask, foreboding a storm. A flame in Lan Jiaying's hand transformed into a long blade.

    Wen Ying had intended to persuade Lan Jiaying not to escalate the situation just yet, while Chang Mufeng and the others were planning to defuse the tension. However, the students from Azef Academy didn't give them a chance to calm things down. They immediately took drastic action.

    As Wen Ying was sent flying, his entire being was left in a state of bewilderment.

    As the Muershi demons and the students from Aesfa Academy who had visited Thrilltopia were expelled, a sense of familiarity washed over them, and a thought flashed through their minds in unison—Why does this damned feeling have to return?

    Everyone inside the cinema hall, except for Lan Jiaying and the Aesfa folks, was swept away, whether they were demons or humans. It was akin to what had happened at Thrilltopia's barrier; they were all ejected like trash.

    But this wasn't land-based Thrilltopia; it was a cruise ship. The barrier was substantial, sweeping everyone off the ship and plunging them into the sea like dumplings.

    The entire vessel was engulfed by the barrier, making the ocean unusually bustling.

    Some exorcists and demons were flying mid-air. Phileas, the butterfly merman, didn't resist his descent into the ocean. His fish tail swayed comfortably underwater, instinctively.

    "Even you got thrown out?" Levimo asked Wen Ying beside him, reflexively.

    Wen Ying's lips twitched. "Because I wasn't the target this time."

    Levimo realized belatedly and shut his mouth.

    Wu Shaluo fiercely pounded on the barrier, his expression a mix of shock and fury. "How could it be this damn thing again?!"

    Wen Ying commented, "It turns out that they were indeed behind the incident at Thrilltopia."

    Wu Fei's entire being was numb, both physically and emotionally. His intense agitation had triggered a bodily response, leaving his limbs tingling and his heart pounding in his throat.

    Had they really started fighting? Didn't they agree to invade the human world peacefully? Now what?

    In his imagination, they were supposed to explain to the exorcists that everything would be fine once they took the appetite-suppressing magic pills – definitely not in such a grand, chaotic scene as this!

    The luxurious cruise ship was docked by the shore, and there were already many people around. Among them were numerous self-media and official media personnel crouching to take photos. Witnessing this massive anomaly, their reflexes surpassed their thoughts as they hastily grabbed their phones and cameras to snap away.

    Passersby recorded the incident on their phones, sharing it with their friends and family.

    Some even began live streaming, their viewership skyrocketing.

    "Remember to tip me, guys. I'm risking my life to bring you this live broadcast..."


    Noticing Koroy's subtly worried expression, Wei Er said, "You seem concerned."

    Koroy nodded, then his face paled. "They're here..."

    Author's Note:

    That power that caused her considerable injury in just an instant!

    Wen Ying's expression also changed. Up until now, Lan Jiaying hadn't shown any signs of extreme anger. But now, he could understand why Koroy said she saw an extremely furious expression on Lan Jiaying's face through the crystal ball.

    Lan Jiaying's identity represents the Demon Realm, and she herself is a demon who highly values her image – one could call her vain and arrogant. No matter how angry she might be, she would never lose her composure and reveal such intense fury in front of humans whom she deems to be of a different life form.

    Unless her source of self-confidence – her power – was being suppressed.


    (The novel excerpt provided for translation.)


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