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    Chapter 273: Ambushing Someone

    A cunning glint flickered in Wen Ying's eyes. The devil wondered how Belos could possibly sway his allegiance towards the demonic realm?

    Gently stroking Belos' fur on his ears, the hellhound's ears trembled slightly, an imperceptible movement, but the golden earrings that adorned them swayed noticeably.

    Wen Ying suddenly increased his pressure, causing Belos to emit a short, muffled growl from his throat.

    Estimating the time, that person with the surname Pei should have returned to school by now. Wen Ying's mischievous side stirred, patting Belos who had half-opened his eyes. "Let's take a stroll."

    Belos reluctantly opened his eyes fully and glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's already past one. Classes resume at two-thirty. What do you want to do?"

    Wen Ying replied with a hint of mockery, "I'm taking you to, um, bump into someone."

    Wen Ying asked Wen Xinxin which class Pei Xiang was in for first year, and she said it was their own class.

    Having confirmed the location, Wen Ying led Belos to ambush Pei Xiang outside the entrance of Class 2, Year 1.

    Wen Xinxin was unaware of the feud between Pei Xiang and Wen Ying. Seeing Wen Ying standing at the entrance of their classroom, surrounded by gossiping classmates, she approached and pulled him aside to the balcony railing. "Why are you looking for Pei Xiang?"

    Finished his question, Wen Xinxin immediately added, "I'm really not used to your white hair. So you're actually a demon, huh? Well played, hiding it from me for so long."

    Wen Xinxin leaned closer to Wen Ying, gesturing for him to bend down. He whispered into his ear, "Was it because of me that guy chose me as his contractee?"

    Wen Ying replied softly, "I asked him to choose you, but he only found out about our relationship later on."

    Wen Xinxin: "…" No wonder he always felt a chill down his spine.

    An idea suddenly flashed across Wen Xinxin's mind. Previously, he had complained to Wen Ying about how arrogant the Mu family was. None of them were chosen by demons during the school's opening ceremony. Could it be...

    Lowering his voice even more, almost inaudible, Wen Xinxin whispered mysteriously, "Did you make the demons not choose them?"

    "The 'them' you're referring to is the Mu family, right?" It took Wen Ying a few seconds to understand, and he gave Wen Xinxin a meaningful smile. Wen Xinxin instantly got the message and gave Wen Ying a thumbs up.

    Wen Ying casually glanced into Classroom 2 and made eye contact with an old classmate. He flashed a standard sunny smile, but this smile held a different meaning in Zeng Qiyang's eyes. Zeng Qiyang quickly averted his gaze, his body tensing up in his chair, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead.

    Who could have imagined that the sickly Wen Ying was actually a demon! Recalling the ridicule and sarcasm from their classmates at the reunion, Zeng Qiyang broke into a cold sweat.

    He clenched his fists, as jealousy and fear grew wildly within him.

    Why was it that some people were just so blessed? Not only were they born into wealth, but in this era of magical powers, they were also revered and feared as demons.

    "Wonderful density of negative emotions..." Wen Ying murmured casually, as Zeng Qiyang's anger was like a spiced-up skewer, tantalizing the demon's appetite.

    Fear and envy – their rich aroma stirred the demon's hunger.

    Wen Ying licked his lips, feeling a little hungry. What should he have for dinner tonight...

    Pei Xiang arrived, and as Wen Ying pondered over his evening meal, his relaxed demeanor instantly perked up upon seeing him at the stairwell in the corridor.

    Beros leaned against the railing, somewhat perplexed by Wen Ying's sudden surge of interest. Following his line of sight, he saw an ordinary human.

    Was there anything special about that human?


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